首頁 > 原料 > 我國物料國產量累計前95%統計
項次 主要資源項目 英文 產量 國產累計量(公噸) 累計比例 我國分類物料
1 砂及礫 Sand and gravel 110,580,525 110,580,525 76.83% 砂石
2 大理石、花崗岩、砂岩、斑岩、玄武岩、其他裝飾用或營建石材(除板岩) Marble, granite, sandstone, porphyry, basalt, other ornamental or building stone (excluding slate) 20,567,635 131,148,160 91.12% 砂石
3 蔬菜 Vegetables 2,823,795 133,971,955 93.08% 蔬菜
4 水果 Fruits 2,705,268 136,677,223 94.96% 水果
5 穀類 Cereals 1,906,573 138,583,796 96.29% 稻米
6 其他作物殘株(糖料及飼料用菾菜(甜菜)、其他) Other crop residues (sugar and fodder beet leaves, other) 1,797,181 140,380,977 97.54% -
7 捕撈野生魚類 Fish catch 1,068,402 141,449,379 98.28% -
8 飼料作物(含由草地收穫的生物質) Fodder crops (incl. biomass harvest from grassland) 940,785 142,390,164 98.93% -
9 糖料類 Sugar crops 553,937 142,944,101 99.32% -
10 根莖類 Roots, tubers 303,396 143,247,497 99.53% -
11 天然氣 Natural gas 277,310 143,524,807 99.72% -
12 化學及肥料礦物 Chemical and fertilizer minerals 195,280 143,720,087 99.86% -
13 精鹽 Salt 81,893 143,801,980 99.91% -
14 石灰岩及石膏 Limestone and gypsum 30,049 143,832,029 99.93% -
15 其他作物(除飼料作物) Other crops n.e.c. 25,423 143,857,452 99.95% -
16 木材(工業圓木) Timber (Industrial roundwood) 22,770 143,880,222 99.97% -
17 白堊及白雲石 Chalk and dolomite 22,196 143,902,418 99.98% -
18 木材燃料及其他萃取物 Wood fuel and other extraction 11,260 143,913,678 99.99% -
19 原油、凝結油及液態天然氣 Crude oil, condensate and natural gas liquids (NGL) 8,015 143,921,693 100.00% -
20 其他非金屬礦 Other non-metallic minerals n.e.c 2,985 143,924,678 100.00% -
21 油料 Oil bearing crops 2,208 143,926,886 100.00% -
22 豆類 Pulses 1,173 143,928,059 100.00% -
23 堅果類 Nuts 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
24 纖維 Fibres 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
25 稻草 Straw 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
26 牧草生物質 Grazed biomass 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
27 其他水生動物及植物 All other aquatic animals and plants 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
28 狩獵及採集 Hunting and gathering 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
29 Iron ores 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
30 Copper 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
31 Nickel 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
32 Lead 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
33 Zinc 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
34 Tin 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
35 Gold - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
36 Silver - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
37 鉑及其他貴重金屬 Platinum and other precious metal ores - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
38 鋁土礦及其他鋁 Bauxite and other aluminium 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
39 鈾及釷 Uranium and thorium 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
40 其他非鐵金屬 Tungsten - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
41 Tantalum - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
42 Mangnesium ores - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
43 Titanium - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
44 Manganese - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
45 Chromium - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
46 其他金屬礦 Other metal ores - gross ore 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
47 板岩 Slate 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
48 黏土及高嶺土 Clays and kaolin 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
49 褐煤 Lignite (brown coal) 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
50 硬煤 Hard coal 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
51 油頁岩及瀝青砂岩 Oil shale and tar sands 0 143,928,059 100.00% -
52 泥煤 Peat 0 143,928,059 100.00% -

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